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There is a newer version of this plugin available at Sketchup's own website.

Texture Rotate

There are already some texture rotate scripts out there. However those I've seen only lets you rotate one face at a time which makes it about as time-demanding as manually rotate the textures. Also I really wanted 90° rotation in one click, instead of writing 90 or -90 in an input box every time.

Rotate 90° Counter Clockwise

Rotate texture on all faces 90° counter clockwise in one click - much faster than typing the angle or manually move the texture.

Rotate 90° Clockwise

Rotate texture on all faces 90° clockwise in one click - much faster than typing the angle or manually move the texture.

Rotate Custom Angle

Asks user for an angle (degrees counter clockwise) and rotates the texture of all selected faces.

At the time these tools only affects the front side of the faces.

Download script

Installation: Unzip all files and folders to the plugin folder.

Example of models

© Copyright Christina Eneroth (Eneroth3) 2013
Powered by EneWeb alpha by Christina Eneroth - Timezone: GMT