Unlike the other houses here this wasn't made for Groβendorf but long before.
Included in Großendorf.
Made for Groβendorf.
Included in Castle Region and Großendorf.
This is a typical Swedish house from 1910. The same architectural style was modern in northern Germany at that time. This is also used in Groβendorf.
Swedish house from the turn of century. This model is also used in grβendorf but designed before.
Typical Swedish house from 1900. I think there's a very similar house in Stockholm. Also this model is included in groβendorf.
The main building is from the 20th century. At the back there's a newer building made of glass and concrete and at the right side there is a really modern building with a cool floor going all the way to the top.
Old school project. Don't know why it wasn't here before because it's one of my best looking buildings.